January Blues Are Real

Hello darkness, my old friend…

It happens every year, I shouldn’t be surprised, but wow is January tough. Maybe it’s the “back to the grind” mentality when physically and mentally I’m still in hibernation mode. To feel pressure to produce when I feel much more compelled to curl up in a ball. But–time doesn’t stop for anyone including me, and there is work to be done, so on we go.

On the precipice of my spring semester, I’m trying really hard to set myself up for success (defined by... staying on top of everything?) and prevent burnout. Instead of reserving nearly every weekend for away-adventures, I’m mostly staying put so I can actually rest, clean, and have time for uninterrupted piano practice which I've learned is hard to get on weekdays.

There is one sure exception, the Black Canyon 100K in Arizona on February 18th. And then part of my spring break will be spent doing a section hike of the Arizona Trail with a friend. The old me would have booked a flight to depart the second I’m free and return at the absolute last moment before having to be back. That’s pretty much what I did last year when I hiked the Pinhoti Trail. I survived, but it was rough. This time I gave myself a cushion on either end. I’d like to think I’m evolving–not everything has to be extreme and maximized, all the time!

Beyond that, there are always aspects of my life and habits I’d like to improve but inevitably there is a disconnect between desire and reality. Perfection can’t be the goal, but closing the gap? That makes any effort, no matter how small, a meaningful step toward improvement.


Thanks for reading. Today's a shortie, but I'm trying to practice what I preach and not let perfection get in the way of sending out anything at all!

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